Silver Sneakers Classic focuses on strengthening muscles and increasing range of movement for daily life activities. Participants can use hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles and a SilverSneakers ball. Often a chair is used for seated exercises or standing support.
@ET-DC@eyJkeW5hbWljIjp0cnVlLCJjb250ZW50IjoicG9zdF90aXRsZSIsInNldHRpbmdzIjp7ImJlZm9yZSI6IjxoMj4iLCJhZnRlciI6IjwvaDI+In19@Body Sculpting for all levels from beginners to advanced. Learn the correct way to use free weights, bands, and bars to tighten, firm and increase lean body tissue while decreasing body fat. Special target areas include glutes, abs, and shoulders. Lowers the risk of bone loss Classes are usually small Low impact on joints Boosts […]
Silver Sneakers with Amy Silver Sneakers Classic focuses on strengthening muscles and increasing range of movement for daily life activities. Participants can use hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles and a SilverSneakers ball. Often a chair is used for seated exercises or standing support. Burn Calories Improve Your Cardio for a Healthy Heart Set Your […]
A basic flow class to introduce foundation yoga postures. This practice encompasses strength, balance, flexibility, and stamina by linking breath and movement for an ultimate mind-body experience. Move through a skillful sequence to work toward a peak pose or target a specific area of the body. Modifications offered.
@ET-DC@eyJkeW5hbWljIjp0cnVlLCJjb250ZW50IjoicG9zdF90aXRsZSIsInNldHRpbmdzIjp7ImJlZm9yZSI6IjxoMj4iLCJhZnRlciI6IjwvaDI+In19@A basic flow class to introduce foundation yoga postures. This practice encompasses strength, balance, flexibility, and stamina by linking breath and movement for an ultimate mind-body experience. Move through skillful sequence to work toward a peak pose or target a specific area of the body. Modifications offered.Your InstructorKadi Fitzgerald I have been teaching classes at […]
Silver Sneakers Classic focuses on strengthening muscles and increasing range of movement for daily life activities. Participants can use hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles and a SilverSneakers ball. Often a chair is used for seated exercises or standing support.
Spin with Abby Spin is a fun way to burn calories and tone. Instructors guide participants through workout phases: Warm-up, steady uptempo cadences, sprints, climbs, cool-downs, etc. You control resistance on your bike to make the pedaling as easy or difficult as you choose. All you’ll need is workout clothes, a towel (to wipe your […]
@ET-DC@eyJkeW5hbWljIjp0cnVlLCJjb250ZW50IjoicG9zdF90aXRsZSIsInNldHRpbmdzIjp7ImJlZm9yZSI6IjxoMj4iLCJhZnRlciI6IjwvaDI+In19@Body Sculpting for all levels from beginners to advanced. Learn the correct way to use free weights, bands, and bars to tighten, firm and increase lean body tissue while decreasing body fat. Special target areas include glutes, abs, and shoulders. Lowers the risk of bone loss Classes are usually small Low impact on joints Boosts […]
@ET-DC@eyJkeW5hbWljIjp0cnVlLCJjb250ZW50IjoicG9zdF90aXRsZSIsInNldHRpbmdzIjp7ImJlZm9yZSI6IjxoMj4iLCJhZnRlciI6IjwvaDI+In19@Spin Fusion is a combination of spin & weights. You will be getting off your bike periodically to give specific muscle groups and extra burn using weights, bands, Pilates circles and more! Burn Calories Improve Your Cardio for a Healthy Heart Set Your Own Pace Join a Community That Feels Like a Team Lower Your […]
@ET-DC@eyJkeW5hbWljIjp0cnVlLCJjb250ZW50IjoicG9zdF90aXRsZSIsInNldHRpbmdzIjp7ImJlZm9yZSI6IjxoMj4iLCJhZnRlciI6IjwvaDI+In19@A basic flow class to introduce foundation yoga postures. This practice encompasses strength, balance, flexibility, and stamina by linking breath and movement for an ultimate mind-body experience. Move through skillful sequence to work toward a peak pose or target a specific area of the body. Modifications offered.Your InstructorKadi Fitzgerald I have been teaching classes at […]
Body Sculpting for all levels from beginners to advanced. Learn the correct way to use free weights, bands, and bars to tighten, firm and increase lean body tissue while decreasing body fat. Special target areas include glutes, abs, and shoulders.
Yoga/Stretch will focus on the balance of the body, breathing and increased flexibility. This class is designed to relax not only your body but also your mind. (We have yoga mats available if you don't have your own.).
Silver Sneakers Classic focuses on strengthening muscles and increasing range of movement for daily life activities. Participants can use hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles and a SilverSneakers ball. Often a chair is used for seated exercises or standing support.
A basic flow class to introduce foundation yoga postures. This practice encompasses strength, balance, flexibility, and stamina by linking breath and movement for an ultimate mind-body experience. Move through a skillful sequence to work toward a peak pose or target a specific area of the body. Modifications offered.